
Product Image Item Name Price+
Arduino AAA Battery Power Shield

AAA Battery Power Shield is a portable offline pow...

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MotoMama Arduino Motor Shield

MotoMama is a motor drivers shield for Arduino, ba...

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Arduino ENC28J60 Ethernet Shield

Ethernet shield with ENC28J60 chip for Arduino, IE...

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Arduino Dual Stepper Motor Driver Shield

Dual stepper motor driver shield can drive 2 stepp...

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IBoard - Arduino with Ethernet built-in

Arduino, Ethernet, XBee socket, nRF24L01+, SDCard ...

$25.00  $18.75
25% off

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Arduino Bluetooth Shield

Bluetooth Shield with a HC-05 serial Bluetooth mod...

Arduino Music Player Shield

MP3/WAV music player shield with SD card socket an...

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Arduino Bluetooth 4.0 BLE Shield

HM-10 Bluetooth BLE shield converts serial port op...

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RBoard - Arduino board with built-in Relay

Arduino, relays, nRF24L01+ socket, XBee socket, mi...

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ITEAD Arduino Infrared (IR) Shield

IR Shield is designed for Arduino, which is equipp...

ITEAD Arduino USB Host Shield

The USB Host Shield contains all of the digital lo...

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Arduino Uno Rev3

Microcontroller board based on the ATmega328, Ardu...

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