The MonkeyBoard DAB Radio Development has a hidden digital I2S port. When connected to an I2S to USB converter board like the miniStreamer, the audio will be converted into digital form for the host computer to process. This will eliminate any analogue conversion loss and ground loop noise.
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Controlling the DAB FM Digital Radio Board has becoming even easier now with the LabView VIs for the DAB FM board. All function in the keystonecomm.dll has been ported to LabView’s VIs. User can now run each and every function manually and check the function return. Interfacing the radio board to other applications in LabView can be done in LabView's control interface. This tutorial shows in 4 easy steps how this is being done.
Add a commentThe DABMonkey is a very popular DAB Radio development board that is easy to use and program. Many frontends for CarPC radio have been developed. Now with the Window's DLL ported to Linux, hacking a Raspberry Pi DAB Radio has become so simple. This tutorial shows how a DAB Radio project for Pi can be developed in just a few minutes.
The BMP085 is a high-precision, low-power consumption barometric pressure sensor. It can measure pressure from 300 hpa to 1100 hpa as well as temperature. In this tutorial, you will learn how to interface the BMP085 with the MonkeyBUS using its I2C. The example code from this tutorial is based on the Serial Emulator example of the Microchip Solutions v2011-07-14. Using the Microchip example saves us some work building the serial emulator ourselves.
Add a commentThe HIH6130 released August 2011 is a low cost high acquisition accuracy humidity & temperature sensor in one small package. It features a measurement range between 10% to 90% relative humidity and 5 to 50 degrees Celsius and can be used in applications such as air conditioning units, medical devices, air compressors and weather stations. This tutorial aims to show how to communicate with it using the MonkeyBUS board via its digital I2C interface.